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Naomi is the main character in a fantasy trilogy I am writing. She loves music, she sings, and her forte is in piano. I wrote book 1 in 2009, and started book 2 for NaNoWriMo in November (2011). Sometime during then I sat down at the piano and thought, if Naomi had a theme, like in a movie, what would it be like?
I actually came up with the main melody sometime last year, but I had not written it down or recorded it and thus forgot it. Recently, while hiking, I started humming a tune and realized it was this one. As I started working through ideas for Naomi's theme, I once again spontaneously remember this tune, and it influenced what I came up with.
I don't know if it was because I had an idea behind the meaning of the piece, or what, but it came swiftly to hand. I had the basic elements after a couple short piano sessions, and only had to iron out the order and some specific parts. It's still not completely finished, there are a couple of places I play differently every time, as I am still seeking the perfect progression.
In working to develop Naomi as a strong character, I'm glad she has a theme, and hope you will like it as I do.
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