Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Blue Box

Made in Photoshop just using a couple Black&White filters to preserve the blue.

This is somewhere in New York, I think. There is no snow, it's summer, but it looks a little frosty, which is appropriate since right now I'm gazing outside at a winter wonderland.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Hopping (click me)

Instrumental piece I'm working on. This is after step 1, it's not done yet.
...But I'm inexperienced in mixing music so this may be the best it gets!

Friday, October 8, 2010


Original, looks rather grey and dull:

Modified, bright:

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Amazing Simple Adjustments

Original image of cat:

Settings applied:

Enhanced image of cat:

I colored her eyes, too, that's the invisible hue/saturation mask, but it looked weird.

Nothing special!

Except that she's cute and it's a great picture :)

Monday, October 4, 2010

Trek the Mountains

Using similar methods to Ch.1 of this Photoshop CS3 training course, I created this composite of a suspension bridge and Mt. Everest at sunset. (The gold is natural!)

I can't get the bridge to look as though it belongs there, I don't have that skill, but it was pretty fun to play around.

Here is the original one-on-top-of-the-other image:
And here is a later rendition:

It's amazing to see the changes in the images. All it took was Brightness/Contrast, Hue/Saturation, and Levels adjustments and adjustment layers, a gradient for the sky, some burn and dodge, unsharpen mask, and text with outer glow (low fill opacity) and a layer mask.

When you consider I have really no idea what I'm doing, it's pretty cool.